Down Memory Lane

4031 Page Court, Pleasanton, CA. We lived there, ages ago. It was a cul de sac, and our neighbors were Bob, and his wife whose name I’ve forgotten except that it began with an M (I think). No wait, her name was Fran. Whatever, I was close. They were ancient, and when Bob died my … Continue reading

Homesick. Again.

So I watched Inception yesterday at the Cineplex- the mini theater house that all Karachi goes to now that the bigger, better cinemas have gone out of fashion, and though the movie was as much fun as a Leonardo Di Caprio starrer can be (which is not very), I have major gripes about the experience … Continue reading

Vent. Skip post.

Hardest thing in the world is to  let things be. Women are naturally vindictive. In anger, we tend to claw and maul and scream at whatever caused the pain and then dissolve like sea salt once the violent spell is over. Or maybe thats just me. I wonder if it wouldn’t be better if I … Continue reading

Bored at Work.

Money. Or specifically, the lack of it. More precisely, the lack of an excess of money. I’m not penniless, just millions of dollarsless. It is without doubt my greatest woe that I am not super duper, Lex Luthor rich. My second woe is that I’m inconveniently simple. See, after you get married, one thing becomes … Continue reading

Go to hell Cupid

Remember this? And this? And I assure you the anti romance feeling was just as strong the year before. Valentine’s day is not for the un-coupled. It is the day that whispers into the heart of susceptible single women that regardless of how accomplished and intelligent and successful they are, their life is pointless because … Continue reading

Hello there Mrs. S

Isn’t it strange? The way things can change The life that you lead, turned on its head   It’s hard, adjusting. There are moments you want to hide in the bathroom and cry for your mommy but then someone knocks and asks you if everything’s ok. You say “yeah, out in a minute” and wish … Continue reading

0. Lift off

Didn’t expect me to be online today, didja? That’s a hundred bucks (read dollars) for me, courtesy Absar. Yeay, shopping! So November 6th is actually here. And I STILL can’t type at all. Mehndi and these extremely annoying nails make typing harder than clipping grass with tweezers on a football green. I’ve realized long hair … Continue reading


Hmm. Where do I begin? Bilal This is Bilal. This is how he looks like all the time. His expression never changes. It’s freaky. Bilal’s my cousin. I’ve spent 23 years of my life being either annoyed, ignored, or verbally assaulted by him. I’m pretty sure he has a crush on me. Bilal’s also  scary … Continue reading

24- Dear God, the freaking out has started!

Let me tell you how I feel. I haven’t written any stream of consciousness post for a long time. I think I’ll give it a try right now. I’m in that place in time where all I want to do is get it all out. Take emotional laxatives… just release. I wonder why potty is … Continue reading

30 days!!!!!

Let me tell you what it feels like being able to buy shoes from Charles and Keith. Not actually buying them, but knowing that you can. It feels surreal. So surreal I want to cry. My hands shake at the thought of actually being able to afford splurging on nachos at forum; at having the … Continue reading