Bila Unwaan

Charming did not look charming at all as he stood by the bed of the princess. His shoulder bled, a side of his face and much of his hair had been burnt off, and his clothes smelt of three days hard riding and dragon blood. ‘No,’ he thought, ‘charming would be the last word they’d … Continue reading

SUV Chronicles: From New York to Florida chap.2

Driving is unbelievably easy in the United States, once you memorize the million or so basic rules, as well as the thousand or so state rules. If you have them down pat, it’s a piece of cake. And assuming you do forget, your friendly neighbourhood highway policeman will be happy to correct you (though he … Continue reading

Laws of Combat

I enjoy arguments. I’m opinionated and self-righteous to a certain degree, thus I’d make an ideal debater. But nothing scares me more than starting a debate on Quack.Sadly though, if you want to keep an online newsletter alive during vacations you either have to write something controversial, or wait til a politician is murdered and … Continue reading

Oh, by the way, this is Powell Avenue

One of the first things Hani bought with his salary was a digital camera, and tried it out by taking pictures of my phuppa’s store and his friend’s graduation. Needless to say, I felt that the camera deserved to be used more artistically… so I took it for a walk the first day I was … Continue reading

From New York to Florida- The SUV chronicles

Day 1: Airport, Atif, and the bitch next door I thought I’d give daily account of our Amreeki adventure as it went along, but like all my plans, it flopped the first day we reached the US. However, I did manage to keep a sort-of journal which I’m using as Cliff notes of my trip. … Continue reading

Future Dictator speaking

So I’m back. My system hasn’t adjusted to the night-day schedule and thus I’ve become a platelet-intolerant vampire. And in addition to this time confusion, my body is being extremely lazy in conditioning itself to the heat. I melt. Literally. Like the wicked witch of the west. Dorothy was a monster… melting is an awful … Continue reading