La Cinematique critiques chez Hira

So being a pretty bland/blonde person now that I’m married and under no pressure to seem interesting, I can do little more than provide you with my expert take on all that Hollywood (and pirated DVD distributors) have to offer. Ergo I proudly present… La Cinematique critiques chez Hira Dev.D Ok, so it’s not Hollywood, … Continue reading

Back. Or so i think. Again

I think I’ve forgotten how to write. I think I’ve forgotten how to think too. Bleh. All I need is purpose. And stamina. And the will to actually DO something. And the will to actually will to do something beside stagnate in this happy pond of cable television and not-having-to-make-my-own-tea-or-iron-my-own-clothes-ness. Snap out of it Hira. … Continue reading